Saffron & Orange Bundt Cake

Saffron & Orange Bundt Cake


  • A pinch of saffron
  • 200gsemi-salted butter
  • 150mlcoconut milk
  • 240gflour
  • 2level teaspoons of yeast
  • 2eggs
  • 180g of sugar
  • an organic orange
  • 100g of icing sugar


  1. In a mortar, mix a teaspoon of sugar and the saffron to break the saffron pistils into the sugar. Then heat the coconut milk and the saffron/sugar mixture for 5 minutes then leave to infuse off the heat.
  2. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Butter and flour your mold.
  3. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the coconut milk and saffron mixture. Reserve.
  4. In a food processor, beat the eggs and sugar until frothy. Add the butter and coconut milk mixture. Then add the flour, orange zest, and yeast and mix to obtain a smooth dough.
  5. Pour the dough into the mold and bake for around 45 minutes. Check with the blade of a knife, it should come out clean.
  6. When your Bundt cake is cooked and unmolded, cover it with a topping by mixing the icing sugar and the juice of half an orange.
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