Pistachio Pesto

Pistachio Pesto


- 1 cup of shelled pistachios

- 2 cups of fresh basil leaves, tightly packed

- 1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese

- 4 cloves of garlic, chopped

- 1/2 cup of olive oil

- 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

- Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Place the pistachios, basil, parmesan cheese, and garlic into a food processor or blender.
  2. Pulse the mixture until it becomes a coarse paste.
  3. While the blender or food processor is running, slowly add in the olive oil until the pesto reaches your desired consistency.
  4. Add in the lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve the pistachio pesto immediately or store it in an airtight container in the fridge for later use.

When preparing to serve your pasta, mix 2-3 tablespoons of the pasta water into the pistachio pesto sauce. The starch and salt in the pasta water add flavor and will help loosen the pistachio pesto, especially if it is coming out of the fridge. Then, just simply mix it with the piping hot cooked pasta of your choice. You can also add raisins!

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